Sunday, August 18, 2013


  • Capital: Mexico City
  • Major Cities
    • Monterrey
    • Guadalajara
    • Puebla
    • Tijuana
    • Cancun
  • Major Geographical Features
    • Pacific Ocean
    • Bay of Campeche
    • Caribbean Sea
    • Gulf of Tehuanepec
    • Gulf of California
    • Rio Grande
    • Baja California
    • Yucutan Peninsula
    • Sierra Madre Occidenals (Mountains)
    • Sierra Madre Orientals (Mountains)
    • Sierra Madre del Sur (Mountains)
  • Official Name: United Mexican States
  • Religion: Roman Catholic
  • Languages:
    • Spanish
    • Mayan
    • Nahuatl
  • 1994: Economic crisis causes the severe devaluation of the peso
  • Independence: 1810 from Spain
  • Government: federal republic
  • Currency: Mexican peso
  • 3 Texases are slightly larger than Mexico
  • Literacy: 91%
  • Climate: Tropical desert
  • The Tropic of Cancer passes through Mexico
  • Exports
    • Silver
      • Mexico produces the most silver in the world
    • Oil and Natural Gas
      • makes up 1/3 of government revenues

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