Thursday, August 15, 2013


  • Capital: Canberra
  • Major Cities
    • Sydney
    • Birsbane
    • Alice Springs
    • Perth
    • Darwin
    • Adelaide
    • Melbourne
  • Major Geographical Features
    • Pacific Ocean
    • Great Australian Bight
    • Coral Sea
    • Indian Ocean
    • Lake Eyre
    • Murray River
    • Darling River
    • Tasmania
    • Uluru
    • Great Barrier Reef
    • Great Dividing Range
  • Official Name: Commonwealth of Australia
  • Religions:
    • Anglican
    • Roman Catholic
    • Other Christian denominations
  • Languages:
    • English
    • Native languages
  • 1788: Penal colony established in Australia
  • 1945-2000: 6 million people immigrated to Australia
  • 2014: Australian police carry out the largest anti-terrorism operation in Australian history, arresting 15 ISIS-linked terrorists who planned to attack innocent civilians in Australian cities
  • Independence: 1901 from the United Kingdom
  • Government: federal parliamentary democracy
  • Currency: Australian Dollar
  • The 48 contiguous states are slightly larger than Australia
  • Literacy: 99%
  • Climate: arid and semi-arid
  • Smallest Continent
    • 6th Largest Nation
  • Population centered along east and southeast coast
    • 70% of the population lives along a coast
  • "The Doctor": tropical sea breeze along the west coast that blows all summer
  • Major contributor to the United Kingdom's cause in both World Wars
  • over 130 species of marsupials
    • 30 million kangaroos
  • Uluru: sacred to the Aborigines
  • Nickname: Land Down Under
  • Great Barrier Reef: largest reef in the world
  • Australian Desert: 2nd largest desert in the world
  • Australia has one of the highest living standards in the world
  • Murray-Darling river basin occupies 14% of the land

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