About Us

We are your Average Geo. We want to improve our society's knowledge of geography and the world around us. We are here to help teachers and anyone who considers themselves a geo-educator. Our passion for geography as a lost art began in grade school in the Geography Bee. We won our school bees and competed at the state level for multiple years. Some of us even represented our state at the National Geographic Bee held in Washington, D.C. Frustratingly, others would congratulate us on our work in the spelling bee, rather than the Geography Bee. So, we decided to work to spread our knowledge of geography. We offer resources to help teachers, students studying for the Bee, and anyone else who wants to learn more about geography.

However, our quest cannot be completed without you. We also want you to help us in sharing geography knowledge. If you have any resources or information that you would like to share, please contact us at averagegeo07@gmail.com. Or you can find us on our social media platforms: Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. We invite you to connect with us and help us to spread geography knowledge.

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