Friday, September 5, 2014

Top 10 Jobs in Geography

There aren't an incredible amount of jobs out there with the title "Geographer," but many universities offer degrees in geography, prompting the question "What can you do with a geography degree?" Well, there are actually plenty of jobs for geographers! Check out some of these jobs for geographers to see if any interest you!
  1. Cartographer: While the need for hand-drawn maps is decreasing (though not completely unneeded!), many media outlets need cartographers to generate digital maps.
  2. Emergency Management: A knowledge of geography is desirable in emergency management because of geographers' ability to understand the connection of humans and the environment.
  3. Geographic Information System (GIS) Specialist: If you like engineering, computers, and geography, then this is the job for you! Government agencies are in need of GIS specialists in an increasingly technological world.
  4. Climatologist: While often paired with a degree in meteorology, news outlets and the National Weather Service need climatologists with backgrounds in geography.
  5. Teaching: As in any field, someone needs to teach the next generation of geographers!
  6. Demographer: The United States Census Bureau is one of the only agencies with the title of "Geographer." Need we say more...
  7. Foreign Service: Geopolitics plays an important role in today's ambassadorships, especially in an increasingly globalized world. Any knowledge of geography would be important to politics and foreign service.
  8. Marketing: Similar to a demographer, marketers need to be able to understand their target market. Geographers are needed to understand the affects of location and culture on a target market.
  9. National Park Ranger: Do you love geography and the physical world?
  10. Urban Developer: Urban geography is a growing field for geography students. Naturally, location and geography are very important when planning renovations and land use.

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