Wednesday, September 24, 2014


  • Capital: Rabat
  • Major Cities
    • Casablanca
    • Fez
    • Marrakesh
  • Major Geographical Features
    • Atlantic Ocean
    • Strait of Gibraltar
    • Mediterranean Sea
    • Atlas Mountains
    • Anti-Atlas Mountains
    • Moulouya River
    • Rif Mountains
  • Official Name: Kingdom of Morocco
  • Religion: Muslim (98.7%)
  • Languages:
    • Arabic (official)
    • Berber
    • French
  • 1905-1906: First Moroccan Crisis; considered one of the causes of World War One
    • Kaiser Wilhem II visited Morocco to support its independence in order to drive France and the United Kingdom apart
  • Independence: 1956 from France
  • Government: constitutional monarchy
  • Currency: Moroccan dirham (MAD)
  • Morocco is slightly larger than California
  • Literacy: 52.3%
  • Climate: Mediterranean
  • Called the "Gateway to Africa"
  • Exports
    • Clothing
    • Fruits
    • Vegetables
    • Chemicals
    • Fish
  • 1 of 3 remaining kingdoms in Africa
  • Sovereignty of the Western Sahara is disputed between Morocco and the Polisario Front

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