Thursday, August 29, 2013

Tallest Mountains per Continent

The following list is in order of tallest to highest mountain. So, Mt. McKinley is larger than Mt. Kilimanjaro but smaller than Aconcagua.
  1. Asia
    • Mt. Everest (Nepal and China)
  2. South America
    • Aconcagua (Argentina)
  3. North America
    • Mt. McKinley (United States)
  4. Africa
    • Mt. Kilimanjaro (Tanzania)
  5. Europe
    • Mt. Elbrus (Russia)
  6. Oceania*
    • Mt. Wilhelm (Papua New Guinea)
*I know, I know. OCEANIA IS NOT A CONTINENT, but the true continent, Australia's, tallest mountain (Mt. Kosciuszko) is nearly half the size of Mt. Wilhelm.

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