Thursday, August 22, 2013


  • Capital: Nairobi
  • Major Cities
    • Mombassa
    • Kisumu
    • Nakuru
  • Major Geographical Features
    • Indian Ocean
    • Lake Victoria
    • Serengeti Plain
    • Great Rift VAlley
    • Lake Turkana
    • Tara River
    • Mount Kenya
    • Kenya Highlands
  • Official Name: Republic of Kenya
    • Formerly British East Africa
  • Religions:
    • Roman Catholic (33%)
    • Protestant (45%)
    • Indigenous beliefs (10%)
  • Languages:
    • English (official)
    • Kiswahili (official)
  • 1963-1978: Revered president Jomo Kenyatta leads Kenya
  • Independence: 1963 from the United Kingdom
  • Government: republic
  • Currency: Kenyan shilling (KES)
  • Kenya is slightly larger than 2 Nevadas
  • Literacy: 85.1%
  • Climate
    • Tropical
    • Semiarid
  • 1 of the most successful African agricultural centers
  • Mt. Kenya is the 2nd highest peak in Africa
  • Exports
    • Petroleum
    • Tea
    • Fruits and Vegetables
  • Home to 275 endangered species

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