Friday, August 16, 2013


  • Capital: Lisbon
  • Major City: Porto
  • Major Geographical Features
    • Atlantic Ocean
    • Gulf of Cadiz
    • Tagus River
    • Guadiana River
    • Douro River
    • Serra da Estrela
    • Algarve
    • Cape of St. Vincent
  • Official Name: Portuguese Republic
  • Religion: Roman Catholic
  • Language: Portuguese
  • 1755: Earthquake destroys Lisbon
  • 1807-1822: Portugal loses much of its wealth during the Napoleonic Wars and the independence of Brazil
  • 1910: Revolution overthrows monarchy and establishes a republic
  • 1975: Grants independence to all its African colonies
  • 1985: Joins European Economic Community (later becomes the European Union)
  • 2011: Negotiates a loan with the International Monetary Fund and the European Union to help with a large government debt
  • Independence: 1143, the Kingdom of Portugal recognized
  • Government: republic, parliamentary democracy
  • Currency: euro (EUR)
  • Indiana is slightly larger than Portugal
  • Literacy: 93.5%
  • Climate: Maritime Temperate
  • Home to 1/3 of the world's cork oak trees resulting in producing 1/2 of the world's cork
  • Westernmost nation on the European mainland
  • 1/3 of Portugal's population lives in Lisbon or Porto

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