Wednesday, August 28, 2013


  • Capital: Quito
  • Major City: Guayaquil
  • Major Geographical Features
    • Pacific Ocean
    • Andes Mountains
    • Gulf of Guayquil
    • Galapagos Islands
    • Rio Putumayo
    • Rio Napo
    • Amazon Rainforest
  • Official Name: Republic of Ecuador
    • Formerly
      • the Republic of the Equator
      • Grand Colombia
  • Religion: Roman Catholic (95%)
  • Languages:
    • Spanish
    • Quechua
  • 1830: Collapse of the Grand Colombia
  • 1995: Border war with Peru
  • 2013: Ecuador permits oil drilling in the Amazon
  • Independence: 1822 from Spain
  • Government: republic
  • Currency: United States dollar (USD)
  • Ecuador is slightly larger than Nevada
  • Literacy: 91%
  • Climate: Tropical
  • Smallest Andean nation
  • Largest exporter of the banana
  • Cotopaxi: One of the highest active volcanoes in the world
  • Member of OPEC
  • Exports
    • Petroleum
    • Coffee
    • Cacao
    • Bananas
    • Shrimp

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