Thursday, August 15, 2013

Climate Types

When you see a climate heading in some of the other posts, this page is the best to refer to to understand what they mean.
  • Tropical Moist (rainforest): high humidity and rainfall
  • Wet-Dry Tropical (savannah): characterized by a wet season and a dry season
  • Tropical Monsoon: characterized by high temperatures and a lot of precipitation year-round
  • Dry Tropical (desert): intense heat, arid
  • Dry Mid-latitude (steppe): dry, semiarid, cold winters
  • Mediterranean (chaparral): characterized by a wet winter and a dry summer
  • Dry Mid-latitude (grassland): dry, characterized by cold winters and warm summers
  • Marine West Coast: characterized by a lot of rain year-round and few temperature extremes
  • Moist Continental (deciduous forest): characterized by large temperature changes between seasons
  • Boreal Forest (taiga): characterized by long, cold winters and short, cool summers; rather humid
  • Tundra: characterized by long, severe winters
  • Highland (alpine): found in mountain ranges and generally take on the characteristics of the next-closest climate

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