Friday, August 16, 2013

Vocabulary Sheet #1

  1. Aa: Hawaiian word for sharp, pointy lava flow (opposite of pahoehoe)
  2. Yazoo: tributary that is parallel to the river into which it flows until the confluence (named for the Yazoo River of Mississippi)
  3. Stream: small body of water similar to a river
  4. Flora: plants
  5. Isobar: lines used to show atmospheric pressure on a map; each line symbolizes a different level of pressure
  6. Reg: rocky desert (opposite of erg)
  7. Abrasion: eroding of rock by the rock being hit with sand from the wind or being carried away by a stream or river
  8. Eye: calm center of a storm or hurricane; very low pressure
  9. Mesa: flat-topped hill with steep sides; bigger than a butte (the Spanish word for "table" is mesa)
  10. Abyssal Plain: flat area of the ocean floor

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