Monday, August 19, 2013

Vocabulary Sheet #2

  1. Steppe: plain with a lot of short grass
  2. Oxbow Lake: crescent-shaped lake formed by a meander being bypassed
  3. Aquaclude: underground rock layer that groundwater cannot pass through
  4. Contrail: line of condensation in the sky that follows an airplane; made of water droplets and ice particles
    • AKA condensation trail
  5. Soil: portion of Earth's surface that is occupied by roots and made of minerals, organisms, gas, humus, water, and rock
  6. Humus: decomposed plant and animal material in the soil
  7. Karst: landscape made of underground limestone caverns formed by groundwater
  8. Tundra: cold region made of low-growing plants
  9. Humidity: water vapor in the air
  10. Canyon: deep valley with steep sides formed by a river

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