Friday, October 24, 2014

North Carolina: The Tar Heel State

  • Alternate Nickname: Old North State
  • Capital: Raleigh
  • Major Cities:
    • Charlotte
    • Winston-Salem
    • Fayetteville
    • Greensboro
    • Durham
  • Major Geographical Features
    • Atlantic Ocean
    • Cape Hatteras
    • Atlantic Coastal Plains
    • Appalachian Mts.
    • Smoky Mts.
    • Blue Ridge Mts.
    • Roanoke River
    • Mt. Mitchell
  • National Parks: Great Smoky Mountains National Park
    • 9 million visitors per year
  • 1585: 1st colony at Roanoke established
    • 1st attempt to colonize America by English-speaking people
  • 1789: North Carolina becomes the 12th state
  • 1861: Last state to secede from the Union
  • 1903: The Wright Brothers make the first powered flight at Kitty Hawk
  • Motto: "To be rather than to seem"
  • Name Meaning: Named after Charles I of England
  • Industries:
    • Tobacco
    • Sweet Potatoes
      • Largest producer of sweet potatoes in the United States
    • Bricks
    • Furnature
    • Textiles
    • Cigarettes
    • Tourism
      • $12 billion per year
      • 44 million tourists per year
  • Research Triangle
    • Durham (Duke University), Chapel Hill (University of North Carolina), Raleigh (North Carolina State University)
    • Many university and research programs in this triangle
  • 3 capital buildings, 2 permanent capitals (Raleigh and New Bern)
  • Famous People
    • Andrew Jackson
    • Andrew Johnson
    • James K. Polk
    • Arnold Palmer

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