Thursday, October 30, 2014


  • Capital: Warsaw
  • Major Cities
    • Krakow
    • Gdansk
    • Lodz
    • Wroclaw
  • Major Geographical Features
    • Baltic Sea
    • Oder River
    • Vistula River
    • Masuria
    • Malopolska Hills
    • Beskid Mountains
    • Carpathian Mountains
  • Official Name: Republic of Poland
  • Religion: Roman Catholic (89.8%)
  • Language: Polish (97.8%)
  • Late 1700's: partitioned between Prussia, Russia, and Austria
  • World War Two: overrun by Germany and Soviet Union
  • Post-WWII: became Soviet satellite state
  • 1990: 1st nation to overthrow communist rule
    • Due to Lech Walesa and the Solidarity movement
  • 1999: joined NATO
  • 2004: joined EU
  • Independence: 1945 as a Soviet Bloc nation
  • Government: republic
  • Currency: zloty (PLN)
  • New Mexico is slightly larger than Poland
  • Literacy: 99.8%
  • Climate
    • 2/3 Marine West Coast
    • 1/3 Continental
  • Home to Europe's largest bison herd
  • Exports
    • Cars
    • Machines
    • Furniture
  • Largest nation in central Europe
  • Pope John Paul II was from Poland

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