Tuesday, October 21, 2014


  • Capital: Addis Ababa
  • Major City: Diredawa
  • Major Geographical Features
    • Blue Nile River
    • Lake Tana
    • Choke Mountains
    • Ethiopian Highlands
    • Shebele River
    • Lake Turkana
    • Great Rift Valley
  • Official Name: Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
    • Formerly: Abyssinia, Italian East Africa
  • Religions:
  • Languages:
    • Amharic (32.7%)
    • Tigrinya (6.1%)
    • Oromigra (31.6%)
    • Guaragigna (3.5%)
    • Somali (6%)
    • Arabic
  • 1930-1974: Haile Selassie modernizes Ethiopia
  • 1936-1941: Italian occupation
  • 1945: Ethiopia becomes a charter member of the United Nations
  • 1974: Socialism established
  • 1991: Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front takes power
  • 1993: Ethiopia loses coastline with the independence of Eritrea
  • Ethiopia has been established for over 2,000 years
    • It is the oldest independent nation in Africa and one of the oldest in the world
  • Government: federal republic
  • Currency: birr
  • 2 Texases slightly larger than Ethiopia
  • Literacy: 42.7%
  • Climate: Highland
  • Landlocked
  • Exports
    • Coffee
    • Oil
    • Crude Materials

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