Sunday, October 12, 2014


  • Capital: Paris
  • Major Cities
    • Toulouse
    • Marseilles
    • Lyon
  • Major Geographical Features
    • English Channel
    • Atlantic Ocean
    • Bay of Biscay
    • Gulf of Lion
    • Mediterranean Sea
    • Loire River
    • Seine River
    • Pyrenees Mts.
    • Massif Central
    • Alps
    • Corsica (island)
  • Official Name: French Republic
    • formerly Gaul
  • Religion: Roman Catholic
  • Language: French
  • 1789-1794: French Revolution
  • 1919: World War One victor
  • 1940: Conquered by Nazi Germany
  • 1958: established a presidential democracy
  • Independence: 486 when Frankish tribes united
  • Government: republic
  • Currency: euro
    • Euro leader
  • Texas is slightly larger than France
  • Literacy: 99%
  • International Claims
    • French Guiana
    • Guadeloupe
    • Martinique and Reunion
  • Largest nation in western Europe
  • One of the most modern nations
  • Large percentage of pet owners
  • Makes 400 types of cheeses (2nd in the world)
  • 1,200 museums
    • the Louvre in Paris is the largest in the world
  • Industries
    • Lavender
    • Tourism
    • Wine
  • The Tour de France is the world's most famous bicycle race

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