Tuesday, June 24, 2014

If Baghdad Falls...

The nation and the world have been on high alert for over a week after militants from the al-Qaeda affiliated group the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) captured Mosul and Fallujah. After the fall of these two major Iraqi cities, the ISIS insurgents are on an uncontested march to Baghdad, the capital of Iraq. If the Iraqi government falls, coupled with ISIS' gains in an unstable Syria, many fear that al-Qaeda will use Iraq as a launching ground for terrorist attacks against the West, especially the United States. For this reason, United States president Barack Obama is considering air strikes in Iraq and is sending 300 "military advisers" to the Iraqi military. (Sending "military advisers" to a foreign war is nothing new for the United States. John F. Kennedy sent "military advisers" to Vietnam as the civil war there was beginning.)

IF Baghdad falls, don't expect ISIS to sit on their laurels and be content with Iraq. These militants come from an fundamentalist Islamic ideology. They see themselves on a mission to spread their brand of fundamental Islam throughout the world; it's their jihad. So, where would ISIS strike next?

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