Monday, June 30, 2014


  • Capital: New Delhi
  • Major Cities
    • Mumbai (Bombay)
    • Kolkata (Calcutta)
    • Bangalore
    • Hyderabad
    • Chennai (Madras)
    • Delhi
    • Jaipur
  • Major Geographical Features
    • Arabian Sea
    • Laccadive Sea
    • Indian Ocean
    • Bay of Bengal
    • Himalayas
    • Kashmir
    • Western Ghats
    • Eastern Ghats
    • Ganges River
    • Indus River
    • Deccan Plateau
  • Official Name: Republic of India
  • Religion: Hindu
  • Languages:
    • Hindi (national)
    • Bengali (official)
    • Telugu (official)
    • Marathi (official)
    • Tamil (official)
    • Urdu (official)
    • Gujarati (official)
    • Malayalam (official)
    • Kannada (official)
    • Oriya (official)
    • Punjabi (official)
    • Assamese (official)
    • Kashmir (official)
    • Sindhi (official)
    • Sanskrit (official)
    • English
  • 1498: Vasco da Gama lands in Calicut
  • 19th century: Great Brittain colonizes India
  • 1932, 1943, 1948: Mahatma Gandhi famously fasts in order to have his political demands met
  • Independence: 1947 from the United Kingdom; Pakistan (with Bangladesh) and India were created at this time
  • Government: federal republic
  • Currency: Indian rupee
  • India is slightly larger than 1/3 United States
  • Literacy: 60.5%
  • Controls important Indian Ocean trade routes
  • The Indus Valley was home to the oldest civilization
  • 2nd largest population
  • Disputes over the Kashmir between India, Pakistan, and China
  • 4 world religions originated in India: Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism
  • Climates
    • North: Temperate
    • South: Tropical monsoon
  • Bombay is the home of Bollywood, the Hindu film industry
  • 7th largest nation by area
  • The Taj Mahal is located in Agra

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