Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Kansas: The Sunflower State

  • Alternate Nicknames:
    • Jayhawk State
    • Breadbasket of America
  • Capital: Topeka
  • Major Cities:
    • Wichita
    • Kansas City
    • Dodge City
  • Major Geographical Features
    • Flint Hills
    • Red Hills
    • Smokey Hills
    • Arkansas River
    • Kansas River
    • Missouri River
    • Saline River
  • National Parks: none
  • 1803: Present-day Kansas is acquired through the Louisiana Purchase
  • 1854: Kansas-Nebraska Act allows Kansans to choose to legalize slavery in the territory
  • 1854-1861: "Bleeding Kansas" so-called because of violent clashes between abolitionists and slavery advocates
  • 1861: Kansas becomes the 34th state
  • 1930s: Dust Bowl causes a major drought in Kansas and other Great Plains states
  • Motto: "To the stars through difficulties"
  • Name Meaning: "People of the South Wind" in Sioux
  • Industries
    • Cattle
    • Wheat
    • Aircraft
    • Natural Gas
  • Lebanon, Kansas is the geographic center of the 48 contiguous states
  • Argonia, Kansas was the first city to elect a female mayor
  • 1st state to include the prohibition of alcohol in its constitution
  • Holcomb, Kansas was the main setting for Truman Capote's In Cold Blood
  • Famous People
    • Amelia Earhart
    • Walter Percy Chrysler
    • Barry Sanders

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