Wednesday, May 7, 2014

South Korea

  • Capital: Seoul
  • Major Cities
    • Pusan
    • Inchon
    • Taegu
  • Major Geographical Features
    • Yellow Sea
    • Tsushima Strait
    • Korea Strait
    • Sea of Japan
    • East Sea
    • Taebaek Mountains
  • Official Name: Republic of Korea
  • Religions:
    • Christian (26.3%)
    • Buddhist (23.2%)
  • Languages:
    • Korean
    • English
  • 1910-1945: Japanese occupation under "Asia for the Asians" campaign
  • 1950-1953: Korean War
    • 1953: Armistice separates the Korean Peninsula along the 38th Parallel
      • The border between North and South Korea is a demilitarized zone
  • 1997: Financial crisis in South Korea
  • 2000: First summit between North and South Korea
  • Independence: 1945 from Japan
  • Government: republic
  • Currency: South Korean Won (KRW)
  • South Korea is slightly larger than Indiana
  • Literacy: 97.99%
  • Climate: subtropical
  • Seoul is the world's 2nd largest metro area
  • Motto: "Land of the Morning Calm"
  • Industries
    • Iron
    • Steel
    • Machinery
    • Telecommunications
  • Pusan is the world's 8th largest port
  • 4th largest exporter and importer to the United States

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