Friday, May 16, 2014


  • Capital: Abuja
  • Major Cities
    • Lagos
    • Port Harcourt
    • Kano
    • Ibadan
    • Kaduna
    • Benin City
  • Major Geographical Features
    • Gulf of Guinea
    • Bight of Benin
    • Lake Chad
    • Niger River
    • Benue River
    • Jos Plateau
    • Udi Hills
  • Official Name: Federal Republic of Nigeria
  • Religions:
    • Muslim (50%)
    • Christian (40%)
  • Languages:
    • English (official)
    • Hausa
    • Yoruba
    • Igbo (Ibo)
    • Fulani
    • other indigenous languages
  • 1967-70 the Biafra War (or Nigerian Civil War) occurs
    • Some southeastern provinces of Nigeria attempted to secede and form their own nation, Biafra
  • 2008: The Bakassi Peninsula is transferred to Cameroon
  • 2014: The Islamic militant group Boko Haram kidnaps 276 schoolgirls in northern Nigeria
  • 2014: Nigeria has 20 cases and 8 deaths from the Ebola Epidemic but is set to be Ebola-free by October 20.
  • Independence: 1960 from the United Kingdom
  • Government: federal republic
  • Currency: naira (NGN)
  • Nigeria is slightly larger than 2 Californias
  • Literacy: 68%
  • Climate: Mostly tropical
  • Most populous nation in Africa; 7th most populous in the world
  • Exports
    • Petroleum
  • Home to 250 threatened animal species
  • Has the highest rate of forest loss (11.1%)
  • The western coast of Nigeria is part of the "Slave Coast" so called because of the large numbers of slaves exported from the area

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