Monday, May 19, 2014


  • Capital: Phnom Penh
  • Major Cities: Sihanoukville (Kampong Saom)
  • Major Geographical Features
    • Tonle Sap
    • Gulf of Thailand
    • Phu Quoc Island
    • Mekong River
    • Indochina Peninsula
  • Official Name: Kingdom of Cambodia
    • Formerly
      • Khmer Repbulic
      • Democratic Kampuchea
      • People's Republic of Kampuchea
      • State of Cambodia
  • Religion:Theravada Buddhist (95%)
  • Languages:
    • Khmer (official)
    • French
    • English
  • 1969-1973: United States bombs Cambodia as part of the Vietnam War
  • 1975: The communist Khmer Rouge takes over (Under Pol Pot, 25% of Cambodia's population dies)
  • 1975: The Mayaguez Incident is the last battle of the Vietnam War
  • 1978: Vietnam invades
  • Independence: 1953 from France
  • Government: democracy under monarch
  • Currency: niel
  • Oklahoma is slightly larger than Cambodia
  • Literacy: 73.6%
  • Climate: Humid Tropical
  • Angkor Wat is the largest religious structure and the only religious structure on a national flag
    • Angkor Wat is a Buddhist temple complex
  • Economy
    • Printed Material
    • Clothing

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