Sunday, December 7, 2014


  • Capital: Cairo
  • Major Cities
    • Alexandria
    • Suez
    • Aswan
    • Giza
    • Port Said
    • Luxor
  • Major Geographical Features
    • Western Desert
    • Libyan Desert
    • Eastern Desert
    • Lake Nasser
    • Nile River
    • Sinai Peninsula
    • Mediterranean Sea
    • Red Sea
    • Gulf of Suez
    • Gulf of Aqaba
    • Suez Canal
  • Official Name: Arab Republic of Egypt
    • Formerly the United Arab Republic (with Syria)
  • Religions:
    • Sunni Muslim
    • Coptic Christian
  • Language: Arabic
  • 1869: Suez Canal completed
  • 1981: President Anwar Sadat assassinated
  • 2011: Longtime President Hosni Mubarak resigns during Egyptian Revolution and sentenced to life imprisonment
  • 2012: Mohamed Morsi (a member of the Muslim Brotherhood) elected president and expands presidential authority
  • 2013: The Egyptian military ousts President Morsi after unrest in the nation
  • Independence: 1922 from the United Kingdom
  • Government: republic
  • Currency: Egyptian Pound
  • Egypt is slightly larger than 3 New Mexicos
  • Literacy: 58%
  • The Sinai Peninsula is the only land bridge between Africa and Eurasia
  • Largest population in the Arab world
  • Nile River is the longest river in the owrld
  • 95% desert
  • Industries
    • Textiles
    • Food
    • Tourism
    • Petroleum
    • Chemicals
  • 2,450 kilometers of coastline
  • 2nd most populated African nation (after Nigeria)
  • 95% of the population lives along the Nile
  • Recently, Egypt has been found to be fostering religious intolerance against Christians and other non-Muslims

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