Monday, December 15, 2014


  • Capital: Minsk
  • Major City: Homyel
  • Major Geographical Features
    • Belorussian Ridge
    • Polatsk Lowland
    • Polesye Marshes
  • Official Name: Republic of Belarus
    • Formerly: The Belorussian Soviet Socialist Republic
  • Religion: Eastern Orthodox (80%)
  • Languages:
    • Byelorussian 
    • Russian
  • Independence: 1991 from the Soviet Union
  • Government: republic by name, when the nation is in fact a dictatorship
  • Currency: Belorussian ruble (BYB/BYR)
  • Kansas is slightly larger than Belarus
  • Literacy: 99.6%
  • Climate: cold winters with cool summers
  • Landlocked
  • Belarus has a lot of glacial scoring, leading to over 1,000 lakes
  • Home to large deposits of granite, limestone, marble, chalk, sand, gravel, and clay
  • Belarus has the strongest political ties to Russia of the former Soviet republics 
  • Minsk is home to the headquarters of the Commonwealth of Independent States
  • Belarus means "White Russia"
  • 70% of the radiation from the Chernobyl incident is in Belarus
  • Exports
    • Cars
    • Iron
    • Steel

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