Thursday, March 6, 2014


  • Capital: Caracas
  • Major Cities
    • Valencia
    • Barquisimieto
    • Maracaibo
    • Guayana City
    • Valencia
    • Maracay
  • Major Geographical Features
    • Caribbean Sea
    • Atlantic Ocean
    • Gulf of Venezuela
    • Lake Maracaibo
    • Angel Falls
    • Llanos
    • Guyana Highlands
    • Orinoco River
    • Lake Valencia
    • Andes
  • Official Name: Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
  • Religion: Roman Catholic (96%)
  • Languages:
    • Spanish (official)
    • indigenous languages
  • 1830 Gran Columbia collapses (separates into Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador)
  • 2013: longtime authoritarian president Hugo Chavez dies
  • 2014: students lead protests against the socialist government in multiple cities, leading to at least 25 deaths
  • 2014: Venezuela breaks diplomatic and commercial relations with Panama, citing "conspiracy"
  • Independence: 1811 from Spain
  • Government: federal republic (the current regime embraces socialist principles)
  • Currency: bolivar (VEB)
  • Venezuela is slightly larger than 2 Californias
  • Literacy: 93%
  • Climate: tropical
  • Member of the Organization for Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
  • Export: Petroleum
  • Named after Venice, Italy
  • Angel Falls is the world's highest waterfall
  • Home to the Catatumbo Lightning (18-60 lightning bolts per minute, 1.2 million per year)

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