Monday, January 27, 2014

Ukraine's Justice Minister Threatens State of Emergency

Last night, Ukrainian protestors seized the Ministry of Justice's building, prompting the nation's justice minister to threaten a state of emergency. The Ministry of Justice is the fourth building that has been seized by the protesters. Kiev's city hall is among the other three. The parliament is set to meet on Tuesday which has been called by the protesters as "Judgement Day." President Yanukovych also decided on Monday to get rid of the anti-protest law that heated up the protests. An important dispute between the two sides is amnesty for prisoners. Yanukovych says that he can only promise that if protesters stop occupying buildings and ditch the tent city in Kiev.

The turmoil in Ukraine began in December when Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych decided to strengthen ties with Russia rather than the European Union. The protestors originally called for new elections in Parliament, but recently have called for Yanukovych's resignation. Yanukovych offered the prime minister-ship to an opposition leader, but the offer was turned down.

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