Tuesday, October 1, 2013


  • Capital: Helsinki
  • Major Cities
    • Turku
    • Tampere
  • Major Geographical Features
    • Baltic Sea
    • Gulf of Bothnia
    • Gulf of Finland
    • Aland Islands
  • Official Name: Republic of Finland
  • Religion: Evangelical Lutheran (82.5%)
  • Language: Finnish (95%)
  • World War Two: Successfully defended itself from Germany and Soviet Union
  • 1995: Joins the European Union
  • Independence: 1917 from Russia (following the Russian Revolution of 1917)
  • Government: republic
  • Currency: Euro (EUR)
    • Only Nordic nation using the Euro
  • Montana is slightly larger than Finland
  • Literacy: 100%
  • Climate: Subarctic
  • Helsinki is the northernmost capital in Europe
    • It is also only 40 miles from Tallinn, Estonia
  • Exports
    • Telecommunications
    • Paper
    • Machines

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