Friday, October 18, 2013


  • Capital: Bangkok
  • Major Geographical Features
    • Andaman Sea
    • Strait of Malacca
    • South China Sea
    • Gulf of Thailand
    • Chao River
    • Mekong River
    • Indochina Peninsula
    • Khoret Plateau
    • Chao Phraya Lowlands
    • Isthmus of Kra
  • Official Name: Kingdom of Thailand
    • Formerly: Siam
  • Religion: Buddhist (94.6%)
  • Languages:
    • Thai
    • English
  • 1767-1782: Capital at Thonburi
  • 1932: Bloodless revolution results in constitutional monarchy
  • 1939: Changed name to Thailand
  • 1940's: Japanese ally in World War Two due to Asia for the Asians
  • 2006: Military coup declares martial law and writes a new constitution
  • 2014: Another military coup declares martial law
  • Independence: 1238, Siam united
  • Government: Constitutional monarchy
  • Currency: bant (THB)
  • Thailand is slightly larger than 2 Wyomings
  • Literacy: 92%
  • Climate: Tropical
  • Only Southeast Asian nation to not be colonized
  • Largest rice exporter
  • World's smallest mammal (the bumblebee bat) lives in Thailand
  • 8th largest US importer


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  2. Thanks Christian! Glad you like! I will add those to the profile. We have profiles for a lot more nations and states you can check out. We appreciate your help in making Average Geo's better. Thanks again!


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