Sunday, August 24, 2014


  • Capital: Havana
  • Major Cities
    • Holguin
    • Guantanamo
  • Major Geographical Features
    • Gulf of Mexico
    • Straits of Florida
    • Atlantic Ocean
    • Cayman Trench
    • Isla de la Juventud
    • Caribbean Sea
    • Sierra Maestra
  • Official Name: Republic of Cuba
  • Religion: Roman Catholic
  • Language: Spanish
  • 1898: Spain cedes Cuba to the Untied States at the end of the Spanish-American War
  • 1959: Fidel Castro overthrows the dictatorship of Batista, instituting communism
  • 1961: United States invades Cuba to oust Castro in the Bay of Pigs Invasion but were defeated by Castro
  • 1962: USSR attempts to put nuclear missiles in Cuba but the United States compromises to have the missile returned to the Soviet Union (known as the Cuban Missile Crisis)
  • 2008: Fidel Castro resigns as leader of Cuba, his brother Raul takes over
  • Independence: 1902 from United States administration
  • Government: communist state
  • Currency: Cuban peso
  • Pennsylvania is slightly larger than Cuba
  • Literacy: 99.8%
  • Climate: Tropical
  • Westernmost of the Greater Antilles
  • Largest nation in the Caribbean
  • Many Cubans immigrate to the United States to escape the communist regime

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