Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Yosemite National Park

  • Yosemite National Park is located in east central California
  • Established: 10-1-1890
    • The park's creation was pushed by John Muir who said: "No temple made with human hands can compare with Yosemite"
  • Covers 761,267 acres
  • Yosemite Valley is a one mile wide canyon roughly the size of Rhode Island
  • El Capitan is the world's largest exposed granite monolith
  • Many people ski here during the late fall, winter, and early spring
  • Open year-round
  • Other Places of Interest:
    • Mariposa Grove
    • Glacier Point
    • Wawona Point
    • Tioga Pass
    • Mirror Lake
    • Sentinel Dome
    • Wapama Falls
    • Ostrander Lake
    • Yosemite Falls
      • The falls is fed by melting snow, so the cascade is dry during late summer, fall, and early winter
    • Toulumne Grove
Have you been to Yosemite National Park? Tell us about your experience!

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