Sunday, September 1, 2013

Global Warming: Fact or Fake?

Today's modern geographic debate, aside from whether Crimea should be included on Russian maps, is global warming. Many people have strong opinions one way or the other. Recently, a United Nations-affiliated group (the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) leaked a report explaining its near-certain belief that climate change is caused by humans. However, there also has been data showing a minimal increase in global temperatures over the last few decades. Moreover, studies have shown that decreasing our "carbon footprint" will not affect global temperatures.

What do you make of the global warming debate and why? Share your ideas below on our current geographic controversy!

1 comment:

  1. Personally, I believe that global warming is false. Earth's climate has constantly been changing (see the ice age). Therefore, to think that humans cause climate change is absurd! Not to mention the research performed with tampered data...


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