Tuesday, February 3, 2015


  • Capital: Budapest
  • Major Cities
    • Szeged
    • Debrecen
  • Major Geographical Features
    • Lake Balaton
    • Danube River
    • Tisza River
    • Great Hungarian Plain
  • Official Name: Republic of Hungary
  • Religions:
    • Roman Catholic
    • Calvinist
    • Lutheran
  • Language: Hungarian (Magyar)
    • Most spoken non-Indo-European language in Europe
  • 1848: Louis Kossuth leads a relatively unsuccessful revolution against Hapsburg rule
  • 1867: The Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary was established
  • 1918: Austro-Hungarian Empire collapses
  • 1945: Hungary established as a Soviet Bloc nation
  • 1956: Hungary joins the Warsaw Pact after an uprising against communist rule that was put down by the USSR
  • 1989: Communist rule overthrown
  • 1999: Hungary joins NATO
  • 2004: Hungary joins the European Union
  • Independence: 1918 upon the dissolution of the Austria-Hungary
  • Government: parliamentary democracy
  • Currency: forint
  • Indiana is slightly larger than Hungary
  • Literacy: 99.2%
  • Climate: temperate
  • Landlocked
  • Budapest was originally two cities, Buda and Pest. Each city was on a different side of the Danube River until they merged into one city

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