Monday, January 12, 2015


  • Capital: Bucharest
  • Major Geographical Features
    • Carpathian Mountains
    • Transylvanian Mountains
    • Black Sea
    • Danube River
    • Mures River
    • Olt River
    • Siret River
  • Religion: Romanian Orthodox
  • Languages:
    • Romanian (official)
    • Hungarian
    • German
  • 1947: The People's Republic of Romania is established as part of the Soviet Bloc
  • 2007: Joins the European Union
  • Independence: 1877 by the Ottoman Empire
  • Government: republic
  • Currency: New leu (RON)
  • Oregon is slightly larger than Romania
  • Literacy: 97.3%
  • Bukovina region is known for its painted monasteries
  • Only Warsaw Pact nation to get rid of communism violently
  • Exports
    • Iron
    • Steel
    • Electrical Equipment
    • Shoes

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