- Also Known As: The Soviet Union (USSR)
- Capital: Moscow
- Present-Day nations:
- Russia
- Belarus
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Estonia
- Ukraine
- Moldova
- Armenia
- Azerbaijan
- Georgia
- Kazakhstan
- Kyrgyzstan
- Uzbekistan
- Turkmenistan
- Tajikistan
- Government: Communist dictatorship
- 1917: Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks seize power
- The rise of the communist Bolsheviks was not widely supported in the new nation
- Civil War ensued from 1918-1922
- This was the first time any nation had based their government off of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto
- The rise of the communist Bolsheviks was not widely supported in the new nation
- 1918: Lenin withdraws the Soviet Union from World War One with the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
- 1927: Joseph Stalin becomes leader of the Communist Party over Leon Trotsky
- 1927-1953: Stalin leads the USSR with a tight-fist
- 5 Year Plans: planned the Soviet economy by increasing industry and agriculture
- Collectivization:
forced peasant labor to carry out the 5 Year Plans and to destroy any
ability of the peasantry to oppose the Party
- leads to the death of many of the peasants
- 1936: Fight Francisco Franco and the fascists in Spain
- 1939: Stalin signs a non-aggression treaty with Hitler's Germany
- 1939-1945: World War Two
- 1942-43: Battle of Stalingrad prevents both Nazi advance and Nazi seizure of oil fields
- 1944: Tehran Conference where Churchill and Roosevelt agree to establish a second front (occurs in 1945 on D-Day)
- 1945: Yalta and Potsdam Conferences
- Division of Germany into 4 sectors where the Soviets receive the eastern portion
- Stalin placed in charge of "free elections" in Eastern Europe
- "Free elections" turn out to be a vote-for-any-communist election, thus establishing the Soviet Bloc or Iron Curtain, as Winston Churchill would say (later the Warsaw Pact nations)
- 1945-1991: Cold War
- 1948: Stalin blockades capitalist controlled areas of Berlin leading to the Berlin airlift
- 1953-1964: Nikita Khrushchev rules following Stalin's death
- "De-Stalinizes" by ending forced labor
- 1956: Harshly puts down an uprising in Hungary
- 1957: Launches Sputnik
- 1961: Begins building the Berlin Wall
- 1962-63: Cuban Missile Crisis with the United States ends with return of Soviet ships armed with nuclear weapons
- 1964-1982: Leonid Brezhnev rules following Khrushchev's ousting
- Undoes Khrushchev's De-stalinization
- 1968: Puts down the Prague Spring revolt in Czechoslovakia
- Issues the Brezhnev Doctrine saying that the USSR is the strongest socialist nation and can intervene in any socialist nation
- 1979: Invades Afghanistan
- 1985-1991: Mikhail Gorbachev leads the USSR
- 1989: Berlin Wall falls
- 1990: Soviet Bloc nations remove communists from power
- 1991: The Soviet Union disintegrates, Boris Yeltsin leads the new nation of Russia
- United States President Ronald Reagan once referred to the USSR as the "evil empire"
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
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